Sunday, February 27, 2011

Miss Raezr Gets A Makeover!

Miss Raezr came to me the day before Comic Con. I couldn't leave her at home,I decided she'd tag along! So, she needed to be ready and dressed to impress!

"What do we have here?"
"I'm making you a dress out of some cute ribbon from the 100 yen store."
"I hope you know what you're doing!"
"Me too!" o_o;;

I cut a piece of ribbon by wrapping it around her waist, so that I could have the right length. I made it have a bit of an overlap so I'd have room to sew in a closure. I cut the second piece about an inch longer and ruffled it along the bottom, so it would look fuller. I pinned it in place and sewed the two pieces together. (Ignore the eye putty, my son tried to grab it, so moved it tow here he couldn't get it...right in front of me lol!)

"I'm ready to try it on!"
"I'm not ready for you to try it on!"
"Well hurry up!" o3o;

After the first two pieces were sewn together, I cut another piece that was a tad longer than the second, and basically did the same thing. So now there are three tiers of ruffles on the dress!


I unfortunaly didn't take a pic of the next step! (Sorry!)
After I was happy with the three tiers of ribbons, I roughly (on purpose) cut a piece of sheer red fabric and folded it in half lengthwise. I cut it really long at first and hand sewed a basting stitch across the top, just under the fold. When the stitch was done, I pulled the fabric to one side to create a ruffle. I laid it under the black ribbon and pinned it in place, then cut the edges off of either side. Then I laid it across Raezr to see how it was coming a long.

Raezr is holding the dress in place, trying it on for size.
"It's cute!!" 8D
"I think so too! It's time to finish it up!"

I took it off of her and sewed the sheer fabric to the black ribbon at the top, and at the waist. After I get some closures, I'll sew more of the back together. But for now, it's pinned to her in the back with a straight pin. ^_^;

Posing with the mice :D
Raezr loves mice, they're her favorite animal xD
(I use my mouse pad as a pin cushion <_<;;)


I love the original faceup that Ashely did on this little girl, but it was a bit pale for my liking. So, I enhanced it with additional blushing to her face (and body) and the addition of eyeliner, a stronger lip color, and some eyelashes. <3 <3 She's perfect :3

Let me know what you think of her! :)
Thanks for reading!!


  1. I saw your post on DoA, love your Nabiyette, she is so cute and your outfit is fab, good work! I cannot decide which color of resin to get, I like the white but lean towards color as well.

  2. Nabiyette is an absolutely GORGEOUS doll. She's so worth the money xD <3 I'm so so happy with her :)

    I hope you get one and join us! :D
    The white is beautiful, but I bet all of the colors are xD What colors do you like?
