Sunday, November 6, 2011

So Many Things, So Little Time!

I have so many things to write about!! But oh my goodness, I need to organize all my thoughts out first. Or else you guys will get a dozen random posts like this one.

Things to get out in the open because they're bothering my brain:

I WILL get Ko's head on her body. Yes...yes I will.
I WILL finish my hw so I can make her infinity dress tonight.
I WILL take her photo tomorrow, rain or shine. Having her locked up in the house is a damn shame.
I WILL take a photo of Chuva tomorrow, for Choco. <3
I WILL start feeling better ; A ; I hate feeling sick for no reason. I am not sick! Body, stop acting like it!

Also, some cool stuff happened.

Ordered some new dolls ^^
Received some dolls since my last post ^^

I WILL redo biographies and family tree drawings etc etc D8

Time to get my hobby organized before my dollies attack me.


Okay, I feel better xD
Thanks for reading!

Himi <3